Wednesday, December 23, 2015


1. KEYLOGGRES:- The easiest way to hack an email is by using a keylogger (Also known as spy software). A keylogger is a small program that monitors each and every keystroke that a user types on a specific computer’s keyboard. To use it you don’t need to have any special knowledge. Anyone with a basic knowledge of computer can use it. With my experience I recommend the following keylogger as the best for hacking email.
B.REFOG Download Link:-
You need to have physical access to the  victims computer.If not get refog but it is provides only 30 days trial which means victim should use his computer and access his male account within 30 days.
2. PHISHING:- Process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. It is the most popular way of stealing other’s password. Popular by the name of fake login (among those who knows it!!) the users land on a page where they are asked for their login information and they enter their username and password thinking it to be a real page but actually it is other way round. It submits all the details entered to the programmer or the coder.
You can search on google for fake login pages and download it.
3. RAT:-REMOTE ACCESS TROJAN Which requires advanced knowledge Of Computer.
For Gmail:
It can be a big disaster if your Gmail account has been compromised as it may be associated with several services like Blogger, Analytics, Adwords, Adsense, Orkut etc. Losing access to your Gmail account means losing access to all the services associated it with too. Here is a list of possible recovery actions that you can try.
Step -1: Try resetting your password since it is the easiest way to get your account back in action. In this process Google may ask you to answer the secret question or may send the password reset details to the secondary email address associated with your compromised account. You can reset you password from the following link
Gmail Password Reset Link
If you cannot find success from the Step-1 then proceed to Step-2.
Step-2: Many times the hacker will change the secret question and secondary email address right after the account is compromised. This is the reason for the Password Reset process to fail. If this is the case then you need to contact the Gmail support team by filling out the account recovery form. This form will ask you to fill out several questions like
1. Email addresses of up to five frequently emailed contacts
2. Names of any 4 Labels that you may have created in your account
3. List of other services associated with your compromised account
4. Your last successful login date
5. Account created date
6. Last password that you remember and many more…
You need to fill out this form as much accurately as possible. It is obvious to forget the dates of last login, account creation and similar terms. However you need to figure out the closest possible date/answers and fill out this form. This is your last chance! The more accurate the information filled out in the recovery form, the more the chances of getting your account back. You may reach the account recovery page form the following link
Account Recovery Form
For Yahoo and Hotmail:
Unfortunately for Yahoo/Hotmail there is no second option like filling out the form or contacting the support team. All you need to do is either answer the secret questions that you have setup or reset the password using the secondary email option.
To initiate the password reset process just click on the Forgot password link in your login page and proceed as per the screen instructions.
I hope this post will help you recover the lost account. I highly recommend that you also read my post on How to protect your email account from being hacked and Tips to find unauthorized activity on your Gmail account so that you always stay protected.
Create strong passwords.
  1. Strong passwords are important protections to help you have safer online transactions.
  2. Keys to password strength: length and complexity.
  3. An ideal password is long and has letters, punctuation, symbols, and numbers.
  4. * Whenever possible, use at least 14 characters or more.
  5. * The greater the variety of characters in your password, the better.
  6. * Use the entire keyboard, not just the letters and characters you use or see most often.
  7. Test your password with a password checker
  8. A password checker evaluates your password’s strength automatically.
  9. Protect your passwords from prying eyes.
  10. * The easiest way to “remember” passwords is to write them down.
  11. It is okay to write passwords down, but keep them secure.
Common password pitfalls to avoid
Cyber criminals use sophisticated tools that can rapidly decipher passwords.
Avoid creating passwords using:
* Dictionary words in any language
Words in all languages are vulnerable.
* Words spelled backwards, common misspellings, and abbreviations
Words in all languages are vulnerable.
* Sequences or repeated characters
Examples: 12345678, 222222, abcdefg, or adjacent letters on your keyboard (qwerty).
* Personal information
Your name, birthday, driver’s license, passport number, or similar information.

5 tips to help keep your passwords secret

Treat your passwords with as much care as you treat the information that they protect.
Use strong passwords to log on to your computer and to any site where you enter your credit card number, or any financial or personal information—including social networking sites.
  1. Never provide your password over e-mail or in response to an e-mail request.
    • Internet “phishing” scams use fraudulent e-mail messages to entice you to reveal your user names and passwords, steal your identity, and more. Learn more about phishing scams and how to deal with online fraud.
  2. Do not type passwords on computers that you do not control
    • Computers such as those in Internet cafes, computer labs, kiosk systems, conferences, and airport lounges should be considered unsafe for any personal use other than anonymous Internet browsing.
    • Cyber criminals can purchase keystroke logging devices which gather information typed on a computer, including passwords.
  3. Don’t reveal passwords to others
    • Keep your passwords hidden from friends or family members (especially children) who could pass them on to other, less trustworthy individuals.
  4. Protect any recorded passwords
    • Don’t store passwords on a file in your computer, because criminals will look there first.
    • Keep your record of the passwords you use in a safe, secure place.
  5. Use more than one password
    • Use different passwords for different Web sites and services.

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